There are a number of structural factors that contribute to homelessness, including the lack of affordable housing. This problem has become increasingly prevalent in recent years as the cost of housing continues to rise, making it difficult for people to afford a place to call home. In addition, many people who are homeless have histories of abuse or trauma, which can lead to unstable living conditions and increased vulnerability to violence and exploitation.
How many people are homeless in the United States?
According to The National Coalition for the Homeless, “the number of homeless individuals in the United States increased by over 17 percent between 2007 and 2011” (National Coalition for the Homeless). This increase is due to a combination of economic recession, increasing poverty rates, and cuts in government programs that help people find housing and employment. In addition, more people are becoming homeless because they cannot afford to live anywhere. On any given night in America, there are about 552,830 people who are homeless (National Coalition for the Homeless). This number includes people who are living on the streets, in shelters, or transitional housing. About 33 percent of homeless individuals have a disability (National Coalition for the Homeless). Approximately one-third of all homeless children are living with their families or friends while they wait for permanent housing (National Coalition for the Homeless).
What state has the highest rate of homelessness?
According to the 2017 report from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), California has the highest rate of homelessness in the United States, with 161,548 people experiencing homelessness on a single night in 2017. The state’s rate is up from 115,710 homeless people in 2016. HUD defines homelessness as being without a fixed place to live for at least one night within the past twelve months. In addition, California has a chronic homeless population—meaning that more than 25% of their time over the past year they have had no permanent housing. This group accounts for 12% of California’s total homeless population.
The largest concentrations of homeless people are found in major metropolitan areas. Los Angeles County has 33,542 homeless people, followed by Santa Clara County with 18,425 homeless people and San Francisco County with 17,275 homeless people.
Some Creative ways to get rid of Homeless
Getting rid of homeless is no easy task, but there are many creative ways to do it. Here are a few ideas:
Create more shelters: Increasing the number of shelters available would help get more people off the streets and into new housing.
Reduce demand for homeless services: This means changing how people use public spaces, such as parks and sidewalks, in order to discourage camping and begging.
Increase funding for homelessness initiatives: Increased government funding could help support programs that provide permanent housing and supportive services to those experiencing homelessness.
Eliminate barriers to housing: Reducing the amount of red tape associated with obtaining a home can make it easier for those experiencing homelessness to find a stable place to live.
Final Opinion
These creative ways to get rid of homeless are important and need to be continued. There are many different ways to do this and all need to be explored in order to find the most effective methods. It is important that we work together as a society in order to find a solution for this problem.
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