An oil filter is a device that helps to prevent the clogging of an engine’s oil system with dirt, dust, and other debris. The purpose of an oil filter is to trap these contaminants before they can enter the engine. Over time, the accumulated debris will cause the oil filter to become clogged and no longer able to effectively protect the engine.
Many car owners believe that they can simply change their oil filters without having to change their engine oil. This is not always the case, however, and it is important to know the facts to make an informed decision.
How Does an Oil Filter Work?
An oil filter is a thin passage that separates the oil from the engine’s engine parts. It is usually located in the engine’s crankcase where the oil from the engine’s crankcase and the crankcase’s contents are mixed. The default position for an oil filter is vertical, but it can also be installed horizontally. When the engine is running, oil passes through the filter’s mesh cyclically, capturing debris and dirt before they can reach the cylinder walls. It normally takes less than an hour for an oil filter to be replaced depending on the type of filter and the vehicle.
What are the benefits of changing your oil filter?
When your car’s oil filter isn’t changing properly, you may notice a degraded performance or an increase in a noisy, hesitation-inducing engine stall. This can indicate a clogged oil filter, which may be the result of dirt, tree sap, or other foreign materials. When these build up, they may cause the oil filter to lose sufficient contact with the engine’s internals to fail.
How do you change an oil filter?
The procedure for changing an oil filter is the same for all makes and models of vehicles. The only equipment required is a small oil filter wrench, a funnel, and a shop vac.
Disassemble the old oil filter and thoroughly clean the threads and bores with a rag soaked in oil. If the oil filter is a known brand, it will usually come with a disassembly and assembly instruction manual.
Disassemble the old oil filter and thoroughly clean the threads and bores with a rag soaked in oil. If the oil filter is a known brand, it will usually come with a disassembly and assembly instruction manual. Place a funnel in the engine’s oil filter hole and pour in 10-15mL of synthetic oil. Gently tap the funnel to release any air bubbles, then slowly pour the oil through the rag. Prevents stone and other foreign materials from entering the engine. Keeps the oil clean and free of dirt and debris. Maintains oil pressure. Makes the engine run smoother by reducing engine friction.
How often should oil filters be changed?
It is recommended that oil filters be replaced at 5000-10,000 miles (8000-16000 km) of use. Some experts recommend changing the oil filter once every 5 years. We recommend changing your oil filter at a rate of once every 7-8,000 miles (11,000-12,500 km). You can check your vehicle’s service manual for specific recommendations on how often an oil filter should be changed.
The Bottom Line
Despite what you might have heard, changing your oil filter is not a once-off job. It requires a little effort, but it is not the difficult task that you might have once viewed it as. In fact, changing your oil filter is one of the simplest maintenance tasks you will ever do. If you are experiencing problems with your engine not running or performing as it is meant to, it is highly recommended that you change your oil filter.
Tags: can you change an oil filter without draining the oil, can you change oil filter only, change oil filter only
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